
物理 concerns itself with the deduction and establishment of the principles which underlie the observable phenomena of the physical universe. If your scientific curiosity has led you to consider a career in physics, the 物理 Department at Saint Michael’s College offers a very competitive program that prepares you for graduate study, 工业还是教学.

物理 majors are given office 空间 in the Cheray Science Hall providing a home base in which to study as well as interact with professors and other students in the department. Our small classes allow the faculty to work closely with you to provide a personalized education.

了解更多 about the 物理 program from our Saint Michael’s professors in the video below:


主修或辅修物理, you will begin with the study of the fundamentals of how nature works: motion, 能源, 电动力学, 和热力学. 从那里, 现代物理学之旅, establishing the need for the study of the quantum world and Einstein’s theories of relativity. 物理 majors take traditional 数学ematics courses essential to the field, along with a course on 数学ematical physics, which serves as a foundation to the Junior and Senior years. 在这些年里, the advanced treatment of concepts in physics is explored: Classical Mechanics, 电磁理论, 热物理, 量子力学, and an Advanced Laboratory course. 另外, majors can choose from a number of electives: Astrophysics, 核与粒子物理, 计算物理学, 和更多的. 每个主要, in both their junior and senior year, participates in the 物理 Seminar series, where students pick a topic to explore in detail and then present to their peers. Since some of our students begin their major in their sophomore year, our curriculum allows for students to complete the major in three years. Nearly all 物理 majors have an additional minor, and many have a second major.

Our department faculty are active teacher-scholars, with research experience in theory and experiment. We frequently bring students into our research programs via internal and external funding, and encourage them to present their work at national and regional conferences. Many students use the junior seminar as a prelude to a summer research internship at other universities through the NSF REU program or at national labs and centers. Students can participate in the SMC chapter of the Society for 物理 Students and can operate the telescopes at the Holcomb Observatory on campus. 物理 majors also have the opportunity to work as a laboratory assistant or peer tutor.



Our alumni have found success in research, industry, and education. Recent 物理 graduates are employed at firms including:

  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • B.F. 古德里奇航空
  • 微软
  • 生原体Idec
  • 英格索兰

and a variety of schools and colleges including:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 罗切斯特大学


Recent 物理 graduates have gone on to graduate programs at:

  • 布兰代斯
  • 波士顿大学
  • 巴黎圣母院
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学
  • 犹他大学


The Academic Internship Program at Saint Michael’s is an experience whereby students, participating employers and the College enter into a partnership designed to give students career-related, pre-professional work by fulfilling academically meaningful work assignments for their employers. 实习 are supervised work experiences in both the public and private sectors. They are designed to enhance and supplement formal education and promote personal and career development.

物理 majors at Saint Michael’s have done internships with the National Weather Service, the University of Vermont Biophysics Lab, and the State of Vermont Forensics lab.


Student participation in research activities is encouraged and a number of our students have taken advantage of on-campus student/faculty research activities, off-campus internships and National Science Foundation-sponsored programs such as 研究 Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) during the summer. 研究 interests of the faculty include:

  • 空间
  • fusion and astrophysical plasma physics
  • optical properties of condensed-matter systems
  • high 能源 physics and cosmology

Current and prospective undergraduate research students in the natural sciences, 数学, and engineering can find research opportunities at http://www.webguru.neu.edu/.


主修或辅修物理, you will begin with the study of the fundamentals of how nature works: motion, 能源, 电动力学, 和热力学. 从那里, 现代物理学之旅, establishing the need for the study of the quantum world and Einstein’s theories of relativity. 物理 majors take traditional 数学ematics courses essential to the field, along with a course on 数学ematical physics, which serves as a foundation to the Junior and Senior years. 在这些年里, the advanced treatment of concepts in physics is explored: Classical Mechanics, 电磁理论, 热物理, 量子力学, and an Advanced Laboratory course. 另外, majors can choose from a number of electives: Astrophysics, 核与粒子物理, 计算物理学, 和更多的. 每个主要, in both their junior and senior year, participates in the 物理 Seminar series, where students pick a topic to explore in detail and then present to their peers. Since some of our students begin their major in their sophomore year, our curriculum allows for students to complete the major in three years. Nearly all 物理 majors have an additional minor, and many have a second major.

Our department faculty are active teacher-scholars, with research experience in theory and experiment. We frequently bring students into our research programs via internal and external funding, and encourage them to present their work at national and regional conferences. Many students use the junior seminar as a prelude to a summer research internship at other universities through the NSF REU program or at national labs and centers. Students can participate in the SMC chapter of the Society for 物理 Students and can operate the telescopes at the Holcomb Observatory on campus. 物理 majors also have the opportunity to work as a laboratory assistant or peer tutor.



Our alumni have found success in research, industry, and education. Recent 物理 graduates are employed at firms including:

  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • B.F. 古德里奇航空
  • 微软
  • 生原体Idec
  • 英格索兰

and a variety of schools and colleges including:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 罗切斯特大学


Recent 物理 graduates have gone on to graduate programs at:

  • 布兰代斯
  • 波士顿大学
  • 巴黎圣母院
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学
  • 犹他大学


The Academic Internship Program at Saint Michael’s is an experience whereby students, participating employers and the College enter into a partnership designed to give students career-related, pre-professional work by fulfilling academically meaningful work assignments for their employers. 实习 are supervised work experiences in both the public and private sectors. They are designed to enhance and supplement formal education and promote personal and career development.

物理 majors at Saint Michael’s have done internships with the National Weather Service, the University of Vermont Biophysics Lab, and the State of Vermont Forensics lab.


Student participation in research activities is encouraged and a number of our students have taken advantage of on-campus student/faculty research activities, off-campus internships and National Science Foundation-sponsored programs such as 研究 Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) during the summer. 研究 interests of the faculty include:

  • 空间
  • fusion and astrophysical plasma physics
  • optical properties of condensed-matter systems
  • high 能源 physics and cosmology

Current and prospective undergraduate research students in the natural sciences, 数学, and engineering can find research opportunities at http://www.webguru.neu.edu/.